Party Printables provide everything you need for a DIY party experience. Upon payment, you will be emailed a PDF file containing templates fitting your themed party. These templates can be printed out at home or taken to a copy store. (We do recommend a heavy card stock for invitations) All you have to do is cut and paste together all of the accessory pieces. And voila! You have a plethora of party supplies at your fingertips.
Most of our packages include invitations, labels, and cupcake picks and are formatted to print on 8.5 x 11 paper. All items can be assembled with basic crafting supplies, such as glue, tape, craft punches, etc.
The cake is up to you...
Most of our packages include invitations, labels, and cupcake picks and are formatted to print on 8.5 x 11 paper. All items can be assembled with basic crafting supplies, such as glue, tape, craft punches, etc.
The cake is up to you...